Working out doesn’t replace ADHD medication, but damn, I can’t deny that it does help when used along side it.

I’ve been experiencing better overall mental health and mental clarity these past couple of months while using the CoPilot App, which was recommended via How to ADHD on YouTube. Usually, I am skeptical of “sponsored content,” but having a customized workout with a personal trainer without going to a gym sounded perfect and honestly, it has worked out really well for me.

Also, I took the plunge and bought an adjustable (and collapsable) weight bench from GRIND Fitness, a well reviewed home gym supply company. We’ll see how well it holds up.

My health has always been fairly important, but this recent push for better fitness overall is in response to what I’ve seen (and experienced) from other creatives, particularly those with ADHD. We tend to push ourselves to burnout and then either take a long time to recover, or we never truly recover and inevitably burnout completely.

The older I get, the more I realize that I can’t abuse my body with video editing marathons and shrugging off sleep during late night filming sessions — the latter is what I am planning on working on improving next.